We're experiencing our first real snowy weather day here in Ohio. Some parts East of Cleveland (which is about 70 miles north of where I live) are getting hammered by good ol' Lake Erie-effect snow. My town has about 2 inches on the ground now and maybe a couple more are expected by morning, which isn't much by our standards, but it is a reminder that more like this is to come.
The first day of a bad snow "event" reminds all of us Ohio drivers that our free-wheeling summer driving days are over. Now we have to remember to check the weather before we leave...make sure the bridges aren't icing over...keep the tires checked...make sure our windshield wiper reservoir is full and all those other annoying details that come with safe driving on snowy roads.
We can't always hurry to our next destination. We have to slow down sometimes and be patient. I have to confess that I really don't like these kinds of days...it's not fun to have to think before I drive! And I really dislike going somewhere on a dry road, and having to come home on an icy one that got covered while I had fun shopping or eating lunch, or being inside the doctor's office. Yuck. I hate that gripping the steering wheel feeling when you can barely see the edge of the road or the black ice that makes my tires slip when I least expect it.
I need to rethink this white stuff, though. I'd like to take time to go outside in my boots and hat and mittens to build a snowman. Or take a walk where the snow muffles all the sounds I usually hear on a wintry day. And going caroling in the snow? Nothing better! I just wish I could find some brave souls to come along with me on that last one! For years I've been trying to get a good caroling party rolling, but no one wants to go outside and sing to the neighbors anymore. Tsk. (If you're game, drop me a line!)
In other words, snow would be more fun if I could adopt that "kid-in-me" attitude again. I don't know...maybe I'll bundle up and venture out tonight just to watch the soft flakes drift down past the streetlights. Kids get up close and personal with nature; that's why they enjoy it so much. I need to do that, too.
Well...gotta go...need to dig out those boots and mittens and hat!
Lovely message - that "kid in me" is so what we all need - more than we'd like to admit.
Tell me when, Dee, and I'll go caroling with you! Sounds like a load of fun. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend! Love you muchly!
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