Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Christmas Gift of My Heart

Jesus came...He took our hurts...He took our pain...He took our illnesses...He took our sorrows...and He gave us:


In my heart, He knows I want one thing more than any other this Christmas...a miracle:

The Miracle I Want to See

My Dad, he speaks and smiles at me, and that surprises me, you see,
because he hasn’t said a word for many weeks.

Is this the miracle, I ask, as I go about my task
of turning down the sheets upon his bed.

I brush his teeth; comb his hair; place the pads upon his chair,
and wonder why his days have come to this.

But now I have a piece of hope, a bit of that elusive rope
to hold on to on days he slips away.

The miracle I want to see is the Dad I knew returned to me;
the mighty man I knew through childhood days.

The simple words he spoke tonight have brought hope home as if it might
be generous and give him back his life.

I am an optimist at this, a daughter with a wistful wish,
I cast upon the evening’s twinkling stars.

I say my prayers, I bend my will to wait for God to move and still
I want to press Him with this one request:

The miracle I want to see is the Dad I knew returned to me;
the mighty man my grown-up heart still needs.

My Dad, he speaks and smiles at me, and that surprises me, you see,
because I love him more the more I wait.

Merry Christmas, Dad...I love you!


BethL said...

Dee, this is so touching...I'm thankful that God sometimes chooses to give us the "desires of our heart." Praying it may be so for you. I love the tender way you care for your Dad.

Laury said...

This truly is a tear-jerker. Praying for you and your dad, Dee, on this Christmas day.

Merry Christmas, my friend DeeQ:)

Yvonne Blake said...


Dee, I pray that you will get the miracle of your father really seeing you and letting you know that he loves you.

Joanne Sher said...

Oh, sweetie! This is beautiful, poignant, and touching. Praying with you, sweetiepie.

Josh said...

I'm praying this prayer with you, Dee. What a good daughter you are to take care of your father like you do. Even if he doesn't speak much, I know in his heart he is thankful for all you do.