I plan to take a day or two to read through this list and check out these agents. Mr. Hyatt's blog is chock full of informative posts that are of great value for the green writer (like me). I really want to set aside a week devoted only to researching the next step, assessing my book's status, and further compiling my novel. Now if only I could find a week that is not filled with "other" stuff!
I truly intend to carry on with this entire process, and I know I will get to most of the to-do lists eventually, but sometimes, the tedious, and seemingly never-ending steps to learn about being published, overwhelm me! I like to read the verse that I've posted at the top of my blog when I feel discouraged because it reminds me that God is the true author of all I write, and as such, He will lead and direct me each step on the way. In the meantime, here's the verse and I hope it blesses you and encourages you as much as it does me:
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3:3, The Holy Bible, NIV

1 comment:
Love that verse--and praying you through the craziness. It WILL be done, my dear, in His time. (I hate waiting, too!)
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