Lee is a Liberal Arts university with several colleges on campus. I received my BS in Biological Sciences from Lee in 1980 (yes...I'm THAT old!). It has several little claims to fame and here are some of the fun facts I found while browsing the website recently:
Lee University is widely known for its strong faculty and the outstanding traditions in Music, Bible, Education and Pre-Medical program success. Successful graduates in the School of Music include Phil Stacy (American Idol), Mark Harris (4 Him), Janna Potter Long and Melissa Greene (Avalon) and Jay DaMarcus (Rascal Flatts). The Lee University festival choir at Lee was honored in the past by being included in the recording of a new CD, which features the "Best Choirs in America" The Festival Choir is made up of all six vocal music groups.
Lee choirs have featured on inspirational channel and several have been featured on joint recordings with Alvin Slaughter, Ron Kenoly, and Bill Gaither.
In addition to the famous alumni, here's a bit about the science department:
The Department of Natural Science and Mathematics has become very popular in preparing students for professional schools in medical related fields. Even in the highly competitive world of graduate studies in the medical fields, this department enjoys a very high acceptance rate of students to continue their medical training at institutions of their choice. A large part of this success is due to personal attention by the faculty that compliments the solid course content in these major fields of study.
I can say that my own experiences at Lee were fantastic! I still have moments when I dream of returning to that safe and lovely place...and even go so far as to check the employment openings once in a while! It is a lovely campus and my time spent at Lee was worth every penny of the hard-earned tuition.
Thank you, Lee University, for giving me a quality education and a quality experience that I count as one of God's greatest blessings in my life. I conclude with the campus verse that students and faculty alike spoke together at the end of every chapel service:
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14 King James Version

1 comment:
Dee, my son is a senior in highschool and is seriously considering attending Lee to study business administration next fall. He has had good academic scholarship offers from Ohio State, Miami University, and Bellarmine, but is nervous about attending a public university. He has always attended a small christian private school, and I know Lee would be a good fit in that regard, but I have not heard very much about the quality of Lee's academics. Its a 6-7 hour drive from our home in Dayton Ohio so I'm worried about the distance as well. Also he loves sports teams like the buckeyes at O.S.U. and is not sure he will enjoy what Lee has to offer. He earned the presidential scholarship for his first year tuition at Lee and we feel it would be great to take advantage of that. He's worried if he chooses a public university that he could possibly get caught up in the party atmosphere, wants to keep his faith strong,but at the same time wants to have a fun college experience, can you give me more insight into the real experience at Lee?
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