I have the notion that mindless cruising through the mid-years of my life will mean I'll miss good, but little things, along the way. The often frantic, little-boy-raising years are in the past. The decisions of young adulthood (getting married, buying a house, finding the right job) are also in the past. So now the excitement of those early years has given way to a more settled and calm life of just plain living. There are still crisis moments, but they're farther between and not as angst-ridden since I've discovered that hand-wringing just makes me tired!
What does God have to say about this part of my life? Is He happy with my cruising through these mid years? Has He planned any more adventures for me, or should I be content with this smooth sailing that is going on now? One thing I know for sure: He wanted me to pick up my pen and start writing again and He was perfectly happy to nudge me into it the year I turned fifty! That gives me a sense that He does have adventurous plans for me yet; that the excitement and happiness of new things is not totally over in my life. And I also feel Him drawing me to Him in a closer and more personal way. His love for me is closely tailor-made for this aspect of my life. I want to trust that His plans for me are also tailor-made and will come about just as He wants them to...in His time...His way...to suit my life the best in these mid years.
And that ties into my feelings that I need to be aware to be thankful; to feel content for what is here and now and what He has already brought into my life. My prayer is that I will open my eyes wide to see His provision and love for me, and with even greater clarity, to sharpen my focus on His blessings today and soften my focus on what is still to come. I want to live fully right now and with all the fervor that I usually save for dreams of the future.
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." I Timothy 6:6-7
'Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11
"Philip said, 'Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us'.” John 14:8

Amen! At every stage of life, we truly need this kind of contentment and thankfulness. Thanks for the reminder, dear Dee!
I want to trust that His plans for me are also tailor-made and will come about just as He wants them to...in His time...His way...to suit my life the best in these mid years.
Love this especially
Dee, it took me a long time to feel content with my home that my hubby built for me. Now, I need to turn my other GRIPES into GRATEFULS.
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