And once again, here is the link to the Petition Against Tax Payer Funded Abortions:
Petition Against Taxpayer Funded Abortions
And don't forget to contact your senators and representatives! Here are the links:

Dear Ms. Yoder:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the issue of protecting human life. I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns about this important issue with me.
I am staunchly pro-life, and throughout my time in public life, I have tirelessly fought to defend the principle that life begins at conception and that it is a precious gift from God. In the Ohio legislature, I was named "Pro-Life Legislator of the Year", and won the "Defender of Life" and "Pro-Life Honor Roll" distinctions from Ohio Right to Life. When I came to Congress in 2007, the first bill I co-sponsored was the Right to Life Act. Since then, I have earned a 100% pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) and have introduced additional pro-life legislation.
The Obama administration, along with the congressional majority led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has outlined a liberal social policy agenda that could deal a major blow to important pro-life protections currently in law. The most radical of these policies is the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would result in abortion on demand. It would overturn every pro-life victory from the past 30 years, including the ban on partial birth abortion, parental notification laws for minors seeking an abortion, conscience protections for health care providers, and the ban on taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion.
With the stroke of a pen, one of President Obama's first acts was to overturn the Mexico City Policy, which prevents taxpayer dollars from going overseas to groups that provide abortions or refer or counsel for abortions. I joined my pro-life colleagues in writing a letter to President Obama urging him to protect this important policy that has prevented the destruction of innocent human life around the globe. I am also the co-sponsor of legislation that would reinstate the Mexico City Policy into U.S. law.
I am also leading a bipartisan group of pro-life members to help protect important pro-life "riders"-these are pro-life measures added to spending bills that keep in place important pro-life protections-some of which have been adopted by Congress for the past 30 years. Among other things, these riders prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or perform abortions, protect the rights of pro-life health care professionals, and prevent funding for unethical human embryo experiments.
I have also reintroduced the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act (H.R. 649), which would require an abortion provider to perform an ultrasound, and then offer the mother the opportunity to view images of their baby and receive a description of the images. As a father of four, I know firsthand how powerful these images are, and how they may help connect both mom and dad with their unborn child. We must work hard every day to restore a culture of life in America, and to do that, we must change people's hearts and minds. Studies indicate that states with similar laws have seen abortion rates drop by as much as 30 percent. This is the kind of legislation that makes real strides in the pro-life cause.
Thank you again for communicating with us. I hope you will find this information helpful! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any other concerns or questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at (202) 225-2676, or by e-mail through our website at
Jim Jordan
Member of Congress

WOW!! If we only had more like him in political positions...
THIS is what our country needs! Thanks for posting this! It's so good to know SOMEone is out there with our values!
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