I'm having fun and enjoying the characters that are coming to life!
Have you been thinking of your NaNo project for a while? Does it make it easier to write if you're familiar with your story and characters? Keep me posted on how you're doing! We're in this together--let's go!

WWOOOWWWW! Good for you, sweetie! Guess my cheering is working, eh? ;)
You know, Dee, I thought about approaching it the way you have. I have a number of novel ideas that have been in my head for years and years--probably should have started writing them a long time ago.
But I decided, no, I'd just like to make it a real challenge and start totally from scratch in every way on day one. It's slowly coming together. I'm hoping I can reach the 25% mark by tomorrow (Fri) or Saturday.
You're doing good.
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