We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! With family and friends around the table, it was a very special day. Here are a few of my favorite people: Tim (brother), Barb (sister), Joseph (son), Arlen (husband), Rachel (adopted ex-Amish daughter), Eli (Rachel's fiance), and Bernice (mom).

I thought of all the blessings we have: a home, PLENTIFUL food, decent health, and a Loving Father who is with us every day and whenever we gather as believers. In this photo: Joseph, Arlen, Matthew (great-nephew), Jarrod (nephew), Autumn (great-niece), Rachel, Eli, and Mom.

No matter how we celebrated the day, it's clear that God has blessed us as a nation, and stopping for one day to acknowledge those blessings is a great privilege. Around our table this year was Rachel, Eli, Bernice, and Rena.
How about you? Did you have a blessed Thanksgiving? Did you celebrate in a rambunctious and laugh-filled group, or did you have a quiet, peaceful gathering? Until next year, let's keep that thankful feeling in our hearts everyday.
Thanksgiving has become very peaceful for us. Our kids travel during Thanksgiving and then spend Christmas with us. It is a sacrifice we are willing to make so that everyone can be happy. We are thankful they are all back in Va. safe.
Blessings, andrea
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at our house. After not having a big to do for a couple of years, my wife's family came over having missed the dinner I cook up. About a third of them don't speak English, but I could hear some of them talking about politics. I hung out the younger adults since they all apeak English. Everybody went away happy, stuffed, and they even clean the kitchen for me. And there weren't many leftovers-- thank goodness cause I always throw so much out after a couple of days.
Hi Dee!
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