Facebook is wonderful for reuniting old friendships! I "found" a couple of old friends from my single years and it was a happy surprise to get to visit with them again. I can't wait to renew our ties--even if it is just on the pages of Facebook.
I hosted a bridal shower for my adopted ex-Amish daughter, Rachel. It was fun! Many of the attendees were also ex-Amish and it was interesting to notice the way they interact and the way they have a naive expectation about all English events. They don't always know exactly what will happen, but they always laugh and have fun. Ladies can, when they get together, really let down their hair when they want to.
I get upset when my friends and family get taken in by medical quackery. I think it just happened to some of my friends. Just so you know: "Iridology" is not a recognized science, and once you understand how the body works, and that the iris DOES NOT CHANGE, you will know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to read people's illnesses by mapping the iris. Impossible!
I have been editing my Amish novel. It is slow going since I have a: gotten bogged down in the process, and b: gotten bored with my own writing. Many knowledgeable writers and editors have assured me this is "normal". But what a bummer. I took a week off last week and am back at it again. I did well last night and managed to wrestle edits out of 1 1/2 chapters. Onward!
Spring has truly sprung in Ohio and the daffodils are strutting their stuff. It is beautiful. I love that fresh renewed smell in the world outside my window right now!
There are many other random thoughts still in my head, but I have to get myself back to work. Until the next time: Happy Spring!

Glad to find you, here, today! I have been missing you. Glad you are working on getting your novel edited.
I love hearing what is going on with my friends. Thanks for sharing your random update, I enjoyed it.
I look forward to reading your Amish novel. Hugs, RIta
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