Lest you think I've lost my mind, I was thinking maybe this was a sign of spring. I glanced out the window...snow was still there. Glanced at the thermometer...cold was still there. Didn't look a thing like spring. But if the ants are out, could it mean they know something I don't know? Could it mean they know spring is going to be early this year?
Tonight, we ate fast food, and a french fry dropped on the floor, unseen by any of us. But the ants saw it and when we went back in the kitchen, the french fry had become an ant buffet. They were all over that poor potato.
I have to admit I was a little grossed out, but my first reaction was excitement: it must mean something that a horde of ants showed up! It MUST mean spring was sprung down under--deep in the ground where the little beasties live, perhaps?
Well, hubby decided it was time to act so he hurried to the store and came home with ant traps. Those poor dumb ants. They feasted on that trap like hogs at the trough, then staggered, sated, back to their nests dragging the poison with them.
Ah well...though the ants are living on borrowed time (24 hours, in fact, according to the package insert), they could still symbolize my soon release from winter.
Right? Just agree with me, please. I need to hang on to my spring dream.