I smile when I hear about their accomplishments. I cry when I hear they're sad or feeling rejected. I cheer when one of them goes after a big dream, and I want to hug them all when I see how stoic they are in the face of much trouble.
There is nothing that pleases my heart more than when one of my friends makes me laugh--makes me proud--makes me know Who made them.
To all my former Amish friends: you inspire me! What a blessing to have each one of you in my life! Here are just a few of them:

And what a blessing you are to all of them, Dee. thank you for sharing the pictures. LOVE it!
THank you, Jo!
I love hearing about the different ones, Dee!
They are such blessings, Peej! Thanks for your comment.
Y'know it kinda hurts when I hear those who don't understand, or have the experiences you do, blow off the former-Amish as bitter. If these young folks share their sorrow or painful upbringing, why do other interpret that as bitter? All the ones I've met & you know are just trying to adjust to a culture they were warned to avoid, trying to make friends, overcome their family's rejection & mixed-messages, conditional love, and the crushing legalism they grew up in. They want a birth certificate, SS#, a job, and a feeling of belonging. I've found former-Amish to be kind, decent, and hard-working, and some have a terrific sense of humor :-)
Dee, you inspire me! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Hugs!
Thanks for re-posting this, Brenda. I appreciate your thoughts and comments!
Rita, these young people are very inspiring for me, too!
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