I was chatting with my husband recently how I've dropped the fun things I used to do to relax. I love paper crafts, and card making was one of my favorite things to do. But when I started to write, a little less than 5 years ago, I slowly dropped those fun crafts. But I now realize I miss having a little fun in my life.
I decided fun is going to make a comeback in my world. With that in mind, I'm looking forward to browsing the craft stores soon. I hope I can find inspiration for something new to make with my hands.
I don't envision as much crafting as I used to have time to tackle, but I hope to set aside a few minutes every week or so to create something besides words and tales and outlines.
What are some of your favorite fun things to do to relax? It is never a bad idea to schedule down time when we can disengage the brain and just enjoy creating something new!

I'm SO glad you're going to work that in! I LOVE my reading time - when I'm alone. I was thinking about fun earlier this week too - still not sure what it constitutes for me, but you've got me thinking again! :)
I still have to make time for fun, but I hope I hold to resolve to fit it in. I enjoy crafting with my hands and it is calming, too.
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