Monday, December 22, 2014
The Cuffe Sisters Interview
Hop on over to the Cuffe Sister's place and join us for a chat about The Miting, our family Christmas traditions, and my dream office space!

Monday, December 8, 2014
The Miting will be available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes Noble Nook for $0.99 from December 8 to January 5!
Amazon: The Miting for Kindle
Barnes and Noble: The Miting for Nook
Amazon: The Miting for Kindle
Barnes and Noble: The Miting for Nook

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Book Fun Magazine!
What do I have in common with Dr. James Dobson? We're both in the October issue of Book Fun Magazine! I wrote an article about my work with Mission to Amish People titled I Thought I Knew the Amish.
Check it out by clicking this link: Book Fun Magazine's October issue

Saturday, September 27, 2014
The Miting Book Giveaway!
A book giveaway for The Miting! Follow the link to Carole's Power of Words blog to enter for a chance to win. Contest ends at midnight PST on Sunday, October 5. (No purchase necessary.)
If you missed a chance to enter one of the giveaways for a copy of my
book earlier in the summer, pop over to Carole's place and enter!
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
The Miting Book Signing at Main Street Books, Mansfield, Ohio August 2
I'm excited to be a guest at Main Street Books in downtown Mansfield for The Miting book signing on Saturday, August 2!
I'll be discussing Ten Myths about the Amish. I'm also bringing along a signature Amish dish served at most Sunday suppers to sample: Esther Keim's Amish Peanut Butter spread made from the recipe in her cook book Homemade Goodies: Treasured Recipes from the Keim Family.
Head over to Facebook to join the event by clicking here. I look forward to chatting with you on Saturday August 2!

Friday, June 13, 2014
A chance to win my book, The Miting, PLUS Esther Keim's wonderful Amish Peanut Butter Spread recipe! Follow the link to enter the giveaway and get the recipe at Amish Wisdom's Cook's Corner!

Friday, May 30, 2014
In The Miting, I’ve tried to give readers an honest look at being Amish and the often complicated and heart-rending decisions Amish youth and parents face. I hope you’ve all gotten a chance to get my book and maybe share it with your friends during the eBook promo. If not, there is still time! Tomorrow is the last day you can get it for only $1.99: http://ow.ly/wQY8p
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Interested in
reading what people have said about The Miting? Find the reviews from last
week’s blog tour here: http://ow.ly/wQ9mA.
Don’t forget that you can get The Miting on eBook for $1.99 until the end of
the month: http://ow.ly/wQY8p
Monday, May 26, 2014
You don’t want
to miss this great chance to get The Miting on eBook for only $1.99! Want a
taste of what you’ll be getting? Read the first whole chapter here: http://ow.ly/wNZQO
Friday, May 23, 2014
Why Did I Write The Miting?
Over at CBD, I have an Author Review section. To find out more about The Miting, why I wrote it, and who inspired me, follow the link and scroll to the bottom of the page. And thank you, readers, for supporting my work!

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Looking for more
background information on The Miting and the Old Order Amish? Download The
Miting Reader’s Guide! http://ow.ly/wNZbj
Monday, May 19, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Interview and a Chance to Win a Copy of The Miting
My friend Christina Banks is posting an interview with me today at her blog, When Readers Write. I hope you pop over to find out more about why I wrote The Miting and to enter a comment for a chance to win a copy of the book. Thank you, Readers!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Reviews of The Miting: Thank You!
Writers often feel a bit isolated as they work on their book projects. We sometimes suffer the loss of connection to our readers because we have to spend time writing, which means time alone, which means time away from Facebook and other social media. But one thing that brings the readers right into our homes is a review of our books. And, oh, how that bridges the gap and brings readers close! Even a review that may not show enthusiasm for our work is a blessing because we're connecting.
I'm thrilled with the new reviews that are popping up on my book The Miting: An Old Order Amish Novel. Because the book is just now reaching the readers, through Nook and Kindle downloads, I'm seeing what my readers think of Leah and the family of characters who reside inside my book. To those who have written a review, I offer a hearty THANK YOU! To those who plan to write a review in the future, I also say THANK YOU! I'm blessed and grateful because I know how busy we all are and it takes commitment to write a review. You are blessings, Readers, and I appreciate you.
I'm posting the reviews here, just in case someone is looking for a new Amish read. Also, the paperback version of The Miting is making its way to local bookstores and online book sites within the next few weeks, so I appreciate your patience in waiting for pre-orders and orders to be shipped. If you find it at a local bookstore, I'd love for you to drop me a line here or on my Dee Yoder: Writer of Christian Fiction Author Facebook page. Thank you, Readers!
I'm thrilled with the new reviews that are popping up on my book The Miting: An Old Order Amish Novel. Because the book is just now reaching the readers, through Nook and Kindle downloads, I'm seeing what my readers think of Leah and the family of characters who reside inside my book. To those who have written a review, I offer a hearty THANK YOU! To those who plan to write a review in the future, I also say THANK YOU! I'm blessed and grateful because I know how busy we all are and it takes commitment to write a review. You are blessings, Readers, and I appreciate you.
I'm posting the reviews here, just in case someone is looking for a new Amish read. Also, the paperback version of The Miting is making its way to local bookstores and online book sites within the next few weeks, so I appreciate your patience in waiting for pre-orders and orders to be shipped. If you find it at a local bookstore, I'd love for you to drop me a line here or on my Dee Yoder: Writer of Christian Fiction Author Facebook page. Thank you, Readers!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Excellent read!, March 27, 2014
Joseph J. Keim "jkeim12" (Ashland, Oh) -
This review is from: The Miting (Kindle Edition)
If your heart is filled with love for the Amish
people as well as those who leave the culture, then you will not only
want, but need to read this book. You see, The Miting is not just
another bonnet book, written for entertainment and imaginary purposes.
The truth is, when you finish reading The Miting, you will walk away
with a first-hand education of what truly happens when a person from an
Old Order Amish community wants to leave and join the outside world.
Throughout the book, you will be reminded again and again of the
tremendous amount of emotional turmoil that takes place when a child
chooses to walk away and forsake the traditions and ordinances, which
were established by their parents and forefathers. You'll read about
hearts that were once tightly knitted together as family and community,
but are now strained, confused and sometimes severed for life.
Few people, besides Dee Yoder, would even be able to write a book like this. Here is why: Not only did she marry Arlen, from Amish descent, but she is very much involved with our organization, Mission to Amish People. Dee and her husband, Arlen, have made it their purpose in life to come alongside those who have already left their Amish families and community and want to start over in our English society. Dee knows what it's like to sit next former Amish youth and weep with them because they long for their parents and family back home. She knows what it feels like to sit next to a hospital bed during tragedies and celebrate GED accomplishments. On many occasions, Dee and Arlen have opened their home to birthday parties, prayer meetings and Bible studies; yes, and even film crews from NYC and as far away as England.
As a friend and co-laborer in Jesus Christ, I highly recommend Dee's book, The Miting. You will be blessed and drawn into a world that many are becoming more and more aware of.
Founder and Director of Mission of Amish People
Joe Keim
Few people, besides Dee Yoder, would even be able to write a book like this. Here is why: Not only did she marry Arlen, from Amish descent, but she is very much involved with our organization, Mission to Amish People. Dee and her husband, Arlen, have made it their purpose in life to come alongside those who have already left their Amish families and community and want to start over in our English society. Dee knows what it's like to sit next former Amish youth and weep with them because they long for their parents and family back home. She knows what it feels like to sit next to a hospital bed during tragedies and celebrate GED accomplishments. On many occasions, Dee and Arlen have opened their home to birthday parties, prayer meetings and Bible studies; yes, and even film crews from NYC and as far away as England.
As a friend and co-laborer in Jesus Christ, I highly recommend Dee's book, The Miting. You will be blessed and drawn into a world that many are becoming more and more aware of.
Founder and Director of Mission of Amish People
Joe Keim
5.0 out of 5 stars
This was the best yet... a true picture of Amish Life., April 6, 2014
I read a lot... and I was fascinated with this
story as it was about the area where we live. I work at MAP as a
volunteer and I know the main characters of whom the story reveals. I
am excited about this story and am telling everyone to read it... even
some of my Mennonite and Amish friends.
5.0 out of 5 stars
If you love reading about the Amish, this is a must read!!!!, March 28, 2014
I downloaded this book yesterday and finished it
today. I could not put it down. I am an avid reader of Amish fiction
(Christian) and found this book gave a very accurate account of the
Amish religion in many Old Order Communities. The author combined
family, faith, yearning for God in a way forbidden by her community,
joy, sorrow, shame, and love into one very well written story. As a
Christian I felt deep heartache for what she longed for and how freely
we have it. Mrs. Yoder has found a place in my reading library for a
long time to come. Thank you for put your heart on those pages. Thank
you for sharing a story that you have had for a long time. I look
forward to the next book in this series. My the LORD continue to bless
your writing and ministry.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wonderful Story, April 15, 2014
This review is from: The Miting: An Old Order Amish Novel (Paperback)
Dee Yoder's The Miting is a novel with a great
story line and characters who live in your heart long after you've
finished the last chapter. From her personal experiences with the
ex-Amish, the author presents a clear picture of the problems faced by
those who choose to leave the Amish. I particularly enjoyed her many
lyrical descriptions.
5.0 out of 5 stars
An Amish Fiction Book Like No Other!, April 15, 2014
This review is from: The Miting (Kindle Edition)
I literally could not put this book down. I was
totally drawn into this storyline and so fascinated with it. The
character Martha, faced a certain kind of abuse that isn’t discussed
much in Amish fiction. I know this goes on in the English world but it
is kept underwraps in the Amish world.
I loved Leah the main character in this book. A 17 year old girl bound by her Amish upbringing but not understanding why her bishop and her family are so against her wanting to read and study the scriptures in the English Bible. Leah has such a hunger and thirst to learn more about Jesus and what He taught.
Leah’s life is not easy as she follows her heart to do what she has to do to find freedom in her relationship with Jesus Christ. Will her family understand? Will she be put under the Miting if she doesn’t give up her daily Bible reading?
The characters in this book were real to me. I worried for Leah, I prayed for Leah, I cried with Leah. I wanted to be her friend and give her comfort.
This is one of the very best Amish fiction books I have ever read. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series!
I highly, highly, recommend this book to anyone reading this review. It will hold you captive!
I won this book on LibraryThing to read and review. The opinions expressed are mine alone.
I loved Leah the main character in this book. A 17 year old girl bound by her Amish upbringing but not understanding why her bishop and her family are so against her wanting to read and study the scriptures in the English Bible. Leah has such a hunger and thirst to learn more about Jesus and what He taught.
Leah’s life is not easy as she follows her heart to do what she has to do to find freedom in her relationship with Jesus Christ. Will her family understand? Will she be put under the Miting if she doesn’t give up her daily Bible reading?
The characters in this book were real to me. I worried for Leah, I prayed for Leah, I cried with Leah. I wanted to be her friend and give her comfort.
This is one of the very best Amish fiction books I have ever read. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series!
I highly, highly, recommend this book to anyone reading this review. It will hold you captive!
I won this book on LibraryThing to read and review. The opinions expressed are mine alone.
Anonymous, Posted April 2, 2014
Great Book
Great Book
really liked this book. The characters and story line were well
developed. I appreciated that the book did not romanticize or sugar coat
the Amish way of life. I hope there is another book planned so that I
can see how the next step in life goes for the main characters.

Saturday, February 22, 2014
News Blips and Review of The Miting: An Old Order Amish Novel
My book, The Miting: An Old Order Amish Novel, is scheduled for release in March 2014, and I'm finding a few mentions and reviews of it on the Internet already. How wonderful! I'm listing the mentions or reviews I've seen. Readers can click on the links to go to the pages of the original source. I'm getting excited to have my book in hand!
The following review is from RT Books Reviews:
by Dee Yoder
Genre: Inspirational, Mainstream
RT Rating ****
This is a moving account of one young Amish woman’s search for answers about her Old Order beliefs. The plot is realistic and flows smoothly throughout. Without glamorizing the practice, Yoder shares the cold, hard truth of the miting, or shunning, and sticks to the facts — as she does in all of her books.
Leah Raber is tired of the restrictions placed on her because of her Old Order community’s beliefs. Instead of taking part in the Amish tradition of Rumspringa, she would rather understand Englisher life by reading their Bible, but this action has serious consequences if she’s caught. She learns of an ex-Amish couple who hosts Bible studies in their home and takes the chance. In trouble for deprogramming, Leah moves in with the couple and learns more than she wanted about the English way of life. Homesickness consumes her, and she realizes she has to decide which world she wants to be part of forever. (KREGEL, Jan., 304 pp., $14.99)
Reviewed By: Patsy Glans
From the Library Journal:
"...from Kregel is Dee Yoder’s The Miting, which explores the ramifications of one girl’s decision to study the Bible rather than strictly follow the rules of her community."
From The Writer's Alley: The Future of Hope-Filled Fiction Part II:
"2) The Miting by Dee Yoder:
Amish fiction has typically been the realm of the idyllic, happily-ever-after ending but we're beginning to see a new style of Christian fiction. An example would be the release of Alice Wisler's Still Life in Shadows inspired by a character in National Geographic's Amish: Out of Order series.
This upcoming year sees the release of several books about Amish and Mennonites who have a different view of the lifestyle. In these books, the members find the life restrictive and legalistic and find themselves in a different type of Christian life in the outside world after an "escape."
Still other releases feature Amish young people during their Rumspringa (a teenage time of questioning) who must decide whether to stay or leave. In these books, the decisions made are varying. This is clearly not your mother's Amish fiction."
The following review is from RT Books Reviews:
by Dee Yoder
Genre: Inspirational, Mainstream
RT Rating ****
This is a moving account of one young Amish woman’s search for answers about her Old Order beliefs. The plot is realistic and flows smoothly throughout. Without glamorizing the practice, Yoder shares the cold, hard truth of the miting, or shunning, and sticks to the facts — as she does in all of her books.
Leah Raber is tired of the restrictions placed on her because of her Old Order community’s beliefs. Instead of taking part in the Amish tradition of Rumspringa, she would rather understand Englisher life by reading their Bible, but this action has serious consequences if she’s caught. She learns of an ex-Amish couple who hosts Bible studies in their home and takes the chance. In trouble for deprogramming, Leah moves in with the couple and learns more than she wanted about the English way of life. Homesickness consumes her, and she realizes she has to decide which world she wants to be part of forever. (KREGEL, Jan., 304 pp., $14.99)
Reviewed By: Patsy Glans
From the Library Journal:
"...from Kregel is Dee Yoder’s The Miting, which explores the ramifications of one girl’s decision to study the Bible rather than strictly follow the rules of her community."
From The Writer's Alley: The Future of Hope-Filled Fiction Part II:
"2) The Miting by Dee Yoder:
Amish fiction has typically been the realm of the idyllic, happily-ever-after ending but we're beginning to see a new style of Christian fiction. An example would be the release of Alice Wisler's Still Life in Shadows inspired by a character in National Geographic's Amish: Out of Order series.
This upcoming year sees the release of several books about Amish and Mennonites who have a different view of the lifestyle. In these books, the members find the life restrictive and legalistic and find themselves in a different type of Christian life in the outside world after an "escape."
Still other releases feature Amish young people during their Rumspringa (a teenage time of questioning) who must decide whether to stay or leave. In these books, the decisions made are varying. This is clearly not your mother's Amish fiction."
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