In other news, a film featuring Joe Keim of Mission to Amish People and many of my former Amish friends is scheduled to be aired by PBS American Experience on February 4, 2014. The film, The Amish: Shunned, continues the story of the Amish by focusing on what happens to folks who leave the Amish. I've been told some of the story will show scenes filmed at my house in 2012. I'm looking forward to that presentation, too! Here is a video clip from that documentary:
Stay tuned for further updates concerning my book and this video. Thanks, readers, for keeping up with things here in my neck of the woods. Your interest and support is greatly appreciated!

Hi, Dee
You used to be Amish? I see that you mentioned the PBS series will show the house which you lived in 2012? Was it an Amish dwelling?
~Cecelia Dowdy~
Hi Celina. Thank you for taking the time to ask about my post. :) o, I am not, nor have I ever been Amish. My husband;s family are Amish from Holmes County, Ohio.
Yes, some filming was done at our hoe in 2012 for the PBS show. It's because we hosted a Bible study for ex-Amish young people at that time in our work with Mission to Amish People, a ministry to the Amish and the ex-Amish. We've grown to love and appreciate our former Amish friends very much. If you Google Mission to Amish People, you can find the website and learn more about the work done there. Thanks again for posting the comment!
Hi Dee, have been following you and MAP and Levi Shetler since the PBS showing of The Amish...and I do remember there being a party for Levi at your home, you've done a great deal for these young people and it's very obvious that you care a lot about their dilemma once they have left their Amish roots...good to see that Levi is alive and well, looks like he's moved on from Joe's church and ministry in Ohio, am anxious to watch Shunning and see how he and the others are're all in my prayers. Take care~Diane
Thank you for commenting, Diane! I appreciate your kind words. Yes, Levi is doing well. We sure miss him here in Ohio, but the nature of growing and maturing is often to move ahead to new adventures! We always miss the ones who move away, but we never forget how they impacted our lives.
The party scene you recall from the first PBS program was actually held at Johnny and Miriam Keim's house (we were having game night over there). But the film splices usually don't give much info as to where the scenes have moved--LOL. In the newest episode that aired this past week, I caught glimpses of our house mixed in with Joe and Esther Keim's house...oh my! That's how it is in film making. :)
Thank you again for stopping by my blog.
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